Using Siri to Create a Time or Location-Based Reminder


Siri allows you to do many things right from the lock screen using only voice commands. One of the most useful features is the ability to create a new reminder that’ll alert you at a particular time or location.

How to set a time-based reminder using Siri

Once you launch Siri, you can set a timed based reminder with a single phrase.

  1. Press and hold the Home button on your iPhone or iPad to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to remind you to do something at a particular date or time. You can say “Remind me to meet John tomorrow at 11 am,” for example.
  3. Siri will confirm what you said. If anything is incorrect, just tap the reminder to edit it, or start again with Siri.
  4. Once the reminder has the correct details, you can tap on “Done” or “Confirm” to finish adding the task to your Reminders list.

How to set a location-based reminder using Siri

Once you launch Siri, you can set a timed based reminder with a single phrase.

  1. Press and hold the Home button on your iPhone or iPad to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to remind you to perform an action at a particular location, such as “Remind me to call Jane when I get to Dave’s house.”
  3. Siri will confirm what you said. If anything is incorrect, just tap the reminder to edit it, or start again with Siri.
  4. If the reminder has the correct details, you can tap on “Done” or “Confirm” to finish adding the task to your Reminders list.

For Siri to add a location, that place has to be included in your contacts. It’s easy to add these sites — just create a contact card for a contact and add the address. This method works for friends, families and even businesses such as your local pizza joint.