Sync All Your Passwords with Google



There’s plenty of software out there that affords users the opportunity to safe their passwords in one secure place.

After one such, innovative, piece of software was recently hacked (LastPass). Many are probably sceptical about putting all their eggs in one basket.

But if you’re a forgetful person, who is forever enabling the Forgotten Your Password? Button, then it may be worth considering using somewhere such as Google to sync all your passwords to.

If you’re sat there thinking that you don’t need to because you have one password for every site, then that’s not good. Not good at all.

Hackers can make one billion attempts a second whilst trying to figure out your password, which means that they can crack a 7 character password within a day. So definitely use different passwords for each important website.

With a different password for each you are liable to forget or get mixed up between them from time to time and that’s where syncing all your passwords using one piece of software comes in very handy.

You can do so with Google’s Smart Lock. Smart Lock syncs your saved passwords between Chrome and Android so you can access your favourite sites quickly and efficiently whether you’re on a mobile or desktop device.

So if you’ve saved a password on Chrome, Google will automatically log you in to the site on Android; making life a whole lot easier.

All you have to do, is choose the Save Password option, which will automatically pop-up when you enable Smart Lock, for the sites you wish to save the password for.

To enable Smart Lock on an Android device, simply:

Visit the Settings App -> Select Smart Lock Passwords -> Turn on both the Smart Lock For Passwords And Connected Account and Auto Sign-In options

If you’re using a desktop simply Google Smart Lock and the first hit will take you to Google’s website where you can turn on the Smart Lock feature!